- 梳理頭皮頭髮幾分鐘。每天用木梳梳理順著頭髮生長方向按摩頭皮幾次,通暢督脈與膀胱經絡。
- 先以溫水(忌用冷水或熱水)清洗頭皮頭髮汙垢、灰塵、髒東西、頭皮屑。
- 搓揉洗髮皂產生足夠泡沫,用指腹(勿用指甲或洗髮工具)按摩頭皮髮根三分鐘。
- 將泡沫搓揉頭皮,髮梢,直到所有頭髮都沾到泡沫;若泡沫不足,顯示頭皮頭髮較髒,必須再搓揉洗髮皂,帶到頭皮髮梢等部位。以清水(溫水或RO水)清洗髮根頭髮,直到乾淨不留泡沫為止。
- 重複第三第四步驟。第一次使用洗髮皂要洗頭三次,直到先前洗髮精殘留矽靈等其他化學物質完全脫落,約一周可完全適應洗髮皂。
- 以毛巾擦乾頭皮,再擦乾頭髮及髮梢。
- 以少量精油(薰衣草、依蘭依蘭,或乳香精油),或髮餅潤絲髮尾。
- 以吹風機【微溫】先吹乾頭皮,再吹及頭髮其他部位。
- 用寬髮梳梳理頭皮頭髮一次。
- 用幾滴迷迭香精油或薑精油在掌心搓熱,按摩頭皮。(有毛囊炎或脂漏性者,須康復再實施這項步驟。)
Tips to wash hair correctly
1. Comb your hair for a few minutes before washing your hair. Use wooden comb to comb your hair a few times each day from hair root to hair ends for better blood circulation.
2. Let water flow through your hair (use luke warm water, avoid cold water or hot water) to rinse off dirt and dandruff.
3. Rub against hair soap bar to produce enough foam and massage your hair root (with finger pulp and not finger nails) for about 3 minutes.
4. Wash hair ends with foam. If your hair is rather dirty, the foam will reduce quickly. In such case, repeat step 3 after rinsing off with clean water. Make sure you rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water after each wash.
5. Wash your hair 3 times for the first time you use a hair soap to rinse off any chemical substances on your hair. You will get use to hair soap in about a week.
6. Dry your scalp and hair with a towel.
7. Apply a small amount of essential oil (e.g. lavender, rosemary, ylang ylang, or frankincense) on your hair ends or use hair conditioning bar.
8. Blow dry your hair from hair root to hair ends.
9. Comb your hair with wide tooth comb.
10. Massage your hair with essential oil (Place a few drops of rosemary or ginger essential oil on your palm before massage). Skip this step if you are having active folliculitis or dermatitis.
苦茶油洗髮沐浴皂 Camellia Oil Hair & Body Wash
到手香枇杷洗髮皂 Spanish Thyme Loquat Hair Soap
- 指甲可能殘留很多細菌,勿用指甲搓洗頭皮,也不要在洗完頭後剪指甲,想要貪圖感受撓頭皮快感而傷了頭皮。
- 剛洗完頭不要用電扇吹頭,以免受寒而有頭風問題;洗完頭也不宜直接出門,因為紫外線也會傷害頭皮和髮絲,不得已請記得攜帶防紫外線洋傘和美帽出門。頭髮沒乾透,請勿躺下睡覺。
- 使用吸收較容易不殘留得天然護髮乳或護髮油,不要使用含過多化學的護髮品護髮,以免頭髮無法正常呼吸。天然護髮油如橄欖油、荷荷芭油、甜杏仁油,或將其製成髮餅來使用,髮絲呈現亮麗通透又可自然呼吸。
- 熱水洗頭不會比較乾淨,請用溫水洗頭,也不要用冷水洗頭,冷水洗頭容易寒氣入侵膀胱經及大椎穴,洗完頭可能會馬上打喷嚏,長此以往,不打噴嚏也會讓寒氣入侵臟腑。
1. DO NOT rub your scalp with finger nails. Germs underneath our finger nails may cause infection to the scalp in case of a scratch on your scalp.
2. DO NOT blow your hair with a fan to avoid catching a cold. Avoid going out of the house right after a hair wash. Ultraviolet ray might also cause damage to the scalp or hair. Use anti-UV umbrella or wear a hat if you really need to go out. DO NOT lie down until your hair is completely dry.
3. USE only natural hair care. Avoid chemical-based hair products to avoid follicle clog. You may use olive oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, or hair conditioning bar made of these oils as hair care for shiny and healthy hair.
4. USE only luke warm water for hair wash. Avoid hot water and cold water. The use of cold water for hair wash enhances your chances to catch a cold and not recommended for long term use.
當歸何首烏洗髮皂 Angelica Herbal Hair Soap