1. 足膜是否含有過量香精和防腐劑或Ph值酸鹼度過低<4或過高>10
2. 敏膚性肌膚者,足膜敷在腳上時間是否過長
3. 敷足膜前,腳背或腳底是否有傷口
Take note of the following when using foot mask sold in the market:
1. Make sure that the content of alcohol or preservative is not too high or that the pH value is not <4 or >10.
Method: Try the foot mask on a small area of the foot for 5 minutes before applying it on the entire foot.
2. Make sure that the foot mask is not put on for a long time if you have sensitive skin.
Method: Put on the foot mask for not more than 5 minutes. Rinse with water and apply plant-based oil as moisturizer after use.
3. Make sure that you do not have open wounds before putting on the foot mask.
Method: Soak your feet in water added with essential oil and bathing salt instead of using foot masks.