





Walk into any stall today and we find the shelves filled with products of industrial and mass production. Shocking news about food safety and safety of cleansing products around the world never seem to stop coming in. And we are never quite sure what external or internal products are safe for us.

However, with proper knowledge we can actually correctly decide what products are good and healthy. Other than our daily diets, cleansing products are the next product that maintains close contact with our body. We use them every day or even more than once a day from head to toe on our body, our baby and loved ones, on the clothes that we wear next to our skin, and on kitchen-ware and table-ware that serve the foods we eat. Did we ever care to read or learn to understand the labels and ingredients behind these cleansing products that we use and dispose into the sewage every day?

Let's check out the ingredients of some cleansing products we commonly see in the commercials and on shelves in malls today. Check out the tables below and we will find that many products, which are quite well-known, are mainly made of artificial preservatives, emulsifier, surfactants, emollients (such as dimethicone), pH modifiers, and artificial fragrance. These ingredients provide the cleansing products with the properties of smoothness, excellent foaming ability, and good cleansing power. Among these, artificial preservatives are the most harmful to our skin. Artificial fragrance (or commonly known as parfume), on the other hand, is harmful to our respiratory system. Long-term use of these products bring us more harm than good.

Stop using products that are harmful to our skin and body today so that the natural healing powers of our skin can be regained. Choose wisely for a better life!

Check out the ingredients of some of the shower gels and shampoos in the tables we provide. (The red sign refers to preservatives)

See if you have got one in your bathroom ! 

  • 烸綸鮮肚螄(共20種成分,其中3種為防腐劑)
  • Head & Shoulders (a total of 20 ingredients with 3 types of preservatives)

  • 攀蜓 (共15種成分,其中3種為防腐劑)
  • Panthene (a total of 15 ingredients with 3 types of preservatives)

  • 蜚猱 (13種成分,其中3種為防腐劑)
  • PERT (13 ingredients with 3 types of preservatives)

  • 蠣螫 (58種成分,其中7種為防腐劑)
  • Lux (58 ingredients with 7 types of preservatives)

  • 抬夙聲伊   
  • Dr.'s Formula

成分分析參考自 Ingredient analysis link:

PIC: About half of the shampoos and conditioners in the market contain ingredients that lead to eczema and dermatitis. 

PIC: Cleansing products for babies claim that they are safe and mild but in fact, they are added with preservatives that are harmful to the skin. 

PIC: Children may develop cancer using shower gel. Refrain from parfume. 

PIC: Shower gels may contain fluorescent agents and formaldehyde that may lead to skin tissue mutation. 

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