- CP冷製皂 (Cold Process Soap):成本高、耗時耗工,但洗感與效果好,比MP融化再製皂滋潤
以低溫(60℃以下)進行製做,此方法能保留作皂油脂與其相關成份(如中藥材粉、天然精油)的大部分營養,所以成份與效用上能達到充分滋養肌膚的良好需求。此外,入模凝固後要晾45天等待熟成才能使用(完成皂化過程),雖在生產過程中較耗時費工,但產出的手工皂兼具良好的清潔度與滋潤度。從外觀上來觀察,冷製皂為不透明狀,香皂表面較為粗糙且不光滑。整體而言, 使用過CP冷製皂的人幾乎都不想回頭再使用MP融化再製皂或一般市售的化學香皂了!
- MP融化再製皂 (Melt and Pour Soap):成本低、製作迅速、洗淨力佳,但洗感較不滋潤
Two types of Handmade Soap commonly seen in the market
- Handmade Soap by Cold Process (CP)
- Handmade Soap by Melt and Pour (MP)
This type of soap is made at a low temperature (below 60℃). Most of the nutrients in the oil are not damaged and is nourishing to the skin. They need 45 days to age and complete the saponification process to become ready for use after the manufacturing date.
The cost of CP soaps is higher and it takes a longer time to mature. Compared with MP soaps, they are more nourishing and comforting.
CP soaps are not transparent. They are not glossy and in fact their surface looks coarse.
* Those who have tried CP soaps most probably would not want to go back to MP soaps or commercially available soaps!
A soap base (semi-final product) is cut into pieces and melted. Oils, essential oils, and other ingredients (such as ginger juice, mineral mud, and dried flowers) are added into the melted soap base. Pour into mold and wait for 2 hours for the soap to harden. The soap is ready for use immediately after the mold is removed.
MP soaps have excellent cleansing properties and are especially suitable for young people, men, and oily skin.
There are two types of MP soap; namely the transparent and the non-transparent types. They have glossy appearance and strong aroma. However, they are less nourishing as compared with CP soaps.