



飲食: 喝冷飲是寒氣進入體內的直接管道,人體體溫37度C, 冷飲進入體內,胃部需要調動大量氣血把飲料"加熱"至人體溫度,才能被吸收使用。

註: 去冰飲料也屬冷飲。食物如生食或動物性蛋白質如肉類、牛奶、蛋 不容易被人體消化吸收,容易在體內囤積濕氣。

皮膚: 寒氣最容易從脖子、肚子、膝蓋、腳板進入體內。大熱天穿短裙短褲無袖清涼打扮出門,在太陽底下毛孔張開、流汗,進入冷氣房宜加外套或披衫等,避免寒氣從張開的毛孔直接進入體內





薏仁最善利水,不至耗損真陰之氣,凡濕盛在下身者,最宜用之。 體內有濕氣,如積液、水腫、濕疹、膿瘍等等與體內濁水有關的問題,薏仁是您最好的幫手。

山藥(淮山):薏仁:芡實 1:1:1 請中藥店磨粉,一杯水一湯匙粉 先溶在室溫的水,煮開(成濃稠狀)即可食用 (煮的過程要經常攪動) 。可以加紅糖增添風味。





淮山 (網路照片)

薏仁 (網路照片)

芡實 (網路照片)





推腹 - 從心窩往下推 (網路照片)




人體使用手冊 - 敲膽經

敲膽經 - 排肝毒 (網路照片)





簡易替代方案: 夫妻或伴侶可以在睡前互相按摩膀胱經,從上而下,不但當晚容易入睡,而且睡醒精神特別好。



背部膀胱經拔罐 - 排體內汙水 (網路照片)



這一招非常厲害,特別是濕疹發作的時候,大力按摩這2個穴道,2腿各2 穴,共4個點,一天照三餐按摩,各100下。



大腿外側膽經風市穴 (網路照片)


大腿內側脾經血海穴 (網路照片)

















七歲開始長濕疹,手臂、大腿、小腿、身體,偶爾臉上都有,癢起來要人命,恨不得把皮整個扒下來 !  媽媽看我癢,心疼卻愛莫能助,燒一盆熱開水,用棉花沾濕,敷在濕疹上,燙得要命、燙得很爽! 暫時止癢。後來爸爸的新加坡醫生朋友送我一罐白色藥膏(寫著 Betnovate-N cream),擦了, 得救! 半個小時後開始不那麼癢,慢慢不癢了。救命藥膏,從此隨身攜帶,癢就擦、癢就擦~~~ 從來不過問那是甚麼東西。藥局買得到,很方便,簡稱 BN cream。

直到20歲上大學,唸藥劑系才知道原來那個是類固醇。類固醇長期抹,會造成皮膚局部變黑、變薄 (小編當時已出現此類症狀),大面積及長時間塗抹,類固醇吸收入體內會造成月亮臉(臉胖如月亮),甚至器官衰竭。雖然知道不是好東西,可是已經用十多年,離不開,也沒有替代方案,況且教科書都說濕疹最有效治療法就只有類固醇。


直到三年前在台灣開始自學中醫養生,學習按摩經絡,在身上敲敲這裡、拍拍那裡,拔罐,刮痧,喝山藥薏仁湯,食療~~~ 立志斷掉長年相伴的類固醇藥膏~~~ 開始時真的不容易,偶爾還是會癢,而且逐漸整個聚到手臂上來,手背幾乎整個潰爛,出門不敢穿短袖,也不太願意出門。當時開始按摩經絡已經半年多了,還是不敢把類固醇藥膏丟掉,因為那種癢,刻骨銘心,身歷其境的人才能理解。癢得受不了,會擦一點。

後來看到中里巴人老師在求醫不如求己系列裡面教了一個方法,一天三次按壓(上面分享的第五條),每個點至少100下。一個星期後,一天早晨醒來,手臂上的濕疹及潰爛竟然就好了 !! 太不可思議了 !! 





Seasonal change can easily cause skin allergies, redness, or itchiness. Wounds cannot heal due to frequent scratching or you may also experience runny nose problem.

Skin allergies and eczema are mainly caused by the accumulation of cold and excessive dampness in the body. Cold and dampness “crawls” into the body via food and lifestyle.


Food: Cold goes directly into the body from cold drinks and foods. Our body temperature is at 37 degree C. When cold drink goes down the gastrointestinal track, our stomach needs to put in a lot of “effort” (using blood and qi) to warm it up to body temperature before it can be absorbed.


Note: Uncooked foods or animal proteins such as meat, dairy products, and eggs cannot be easily digested and absorbed and can easily cause dampness in the body.


Skin: Cold goes into the body via neck area, stomach, knee, and feet. When we wear sleeveless top and shorts in the hot weather, do put on a jacket when entering an air-conditioned room to avoid cold air from rushing in to the body from our wide-opened skin pores.


Below are some healthcare tips to saying goodbye to skin allergies:


  1. A cup of yam barley soup a day

Yam and barley are good for the body in the way that they remove excessive dampness from the body naturally and restore your gastrointestinal and digestive systems in no time.

Buy treated yam, barley, and gorgon fruit (1:1:1) from Chinese herbal store and asked the owner to blend the herbs into powder for you (usually for a fee). Dissolve the powder in water before boiling it. You may also add brown sugar or other nutritious powders in the drink as preferred. Drink one cup a day to feel the difference in about 2 weeks.

Watch video clip:



  1. Rub your belly from lower sternum to below belly button.

Massage your belly every night when you lie down to move the water and gas stuck in the belly. This also helps to flatten your belly.

Watch video clip:



  1. Tab the bile meridian to enhance blood circulation and avoid “trash” accumulation in the body.

Tab along the red dots



  1. (When your allergies flare) Do cupping on the meridian at the back to ensure smooth flowing of water in the body and elimination of dirty water.



  1. (When your allergies flare) Tab the below 2 areas 100 times, 3 times a day

at the red dot

at where the arrow points

  1. Avoid using chemical-based cleansing products

Switch to natural cleansing products that do not contain artificial preservatives, surfactants, or parfume. Chemical-based products do not get spoiled with time. They have strong smell and leave residuals on the skin after use. Natural products can be easily rinsed away and do not cause pollution to the environment.


In conclusion, avoid:

  1. Cold drinks
  2. Late supper
  3. Skipping breakfast
  4. Biscuits and junk foods


I started to experience eczema on my arms, legs, body, and occasionally on the face since very young. They get itchy so badly sometimes that I wished to strip my skin away. A doctor prescribed me Betnovate-N cream (steroid cream) and I grew up with it. Apart from eczema, I have runny nose and chapped skin (the three are a family). I upgraded myself to Dermovate cream (an even stronger steroid cream) after I have graduated as a pharmacist. I also learnt to take antihistamines and use steroid nasal spray on and off due to my easy excess to these drugs.


I began to learn Chinese traditional medicine 3 years ago and had started to practice the above methods. I have thrown away all my steroid creams for 2 years now and am totally off all steroid products and antihistamines. My eczema does not flare up even during changing of seasons and mood swings, I learn to “control” my runny nose with food (more ginger and barley drinks and no cold drinks), and my chapped palms have healed.


Do try the above methods for a better health.

Put our health in our own hands rather in the doctor’s.






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