去年(2015年)第一次製作的「咖啡豐盈洗髮皂」是晴空洗髮皂的熱門暢銷款,廣受好評的它在推出後隨即銷售一空。為了回應大家的熱烈支持,晴空也加緊腳步趕工製作了第二批咖啡洗髮皂。經過45天的漫長等待,優質的冷製(cold process, CP)咖啡洗髮皂終於在2016/2/7熟成上市了。目前在網路平台(露天與奇摩拍賣)與手創市集(行程請關注臉書粉絲專頁)皆可買到燒燙燙的咖啡洗髮皂唷!來聊聊本款咖啡洗髮皂用心下了哪些功夫。
The coffee hair soap first time produced by Clear Sky workshop last year (2015) was very popular with customers and was sold out immediately. In order to response to everyone’s support, we in Clear Sky hurried to manufacture the second batch of soaps. After 45 days, the high quality CP (cold process) coffee hair soaps were already matured on 2/7/2016 for sell. They can be bought on the website of Ruten and Yahoo and also in the handmade fairs where we participate in. Let me introduce the ingredients added in the soap first.
The most important key point in making a high-quality handmade soap is the oil formula which can achieve the function of cleansing and moisture. In this soap, seven oils were used such as extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, camellia oil, castor oil, cacao butter, coconut oil, palm oil. A handmade soap with proper oils can make the scalp feel fresh and comfortable after taking a shower. The eucalyptus, patchouli and white sandalwood essential oils are chosen in the soap. The elegant scent can relax your tired mind and body after a busy day. The coffee, nano carbon powder and indigo powder are added to take care of your scalp and hair. If you like the coffee hair soap, do not hesitate and order it right now.
Ingredients: Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, castor oil, sesame oil, camellia oil, coffee, nano carbon powder, indigo powder, distill water, NaOH
Essential oils: eucalyptus, patchouli, white sandalwood
Suitable for oily scalps, normal scalps, and oily skins