圖: 可可咖啡微磨馬賽皂 Coffee Marseille
皮膚會自然新陳代謝,每天都有細胞老死、需要代謝掉。空氣中的塵埃與汙染物也會沾附在皮膚上以及毛細孔中,使毛細孔阻塞,皮膚無法盡情呼吸。皮膚亦是身體排毒的系統之一,身體每天從皮膚上千萬個毛細孔將體內的部分毒素排掉,幫助減輕臟腑的負擔。如果不把皮膚上的毒素徹底清洗掉,反而每天使用含有化學成份的洗面乳、沐浴乳或保養品,不斷在皮膚上殘留 / 抹上化學物質,將毛細孔堵死,不但舊的毒素無法清除,還給肌膚添上新負擔。長此以往,皮膚逐漸失去光澤,變得暗沉,毫無活力,五臟六腑的負擔也更沉重~
清潔做得好,可以把皮膚上以及毛細孔中大部分的髒汙清除掉,讓肌膚可以盡情呼吸,這時再抹上好的保養品,皮膚可以自然吸收保養品中的養分,自我修復、減緩老化 ~
** (植物性保養品分子較細,能被皮膚吸收。石油提煉或動物性保養品份子大,皮膚無法吸收,反而形成一道膜,覆蓋住毛孔,使毛孔無法呼吸)
這時即使不抹保養品,皮膚也能維持自然健康的狀態。如果抹上不含化學物質又容易被肌膚吸收的植物油保養品,肌膚可以吸收好的養分,加強自我修復的能力 ~
圖: 牛奶馬賽皂 Milk Marseille
Good cleansing is skin care half done
According to Chinese traditional medicine, the body is only able to absorb nutrients from food when the excessive dampness, unwanted gas and water, and impacted feces that clogged up the body system are eliminated from the body.
We can extend this principle to skin care and say that cleansing is an important step in skin care;
“Good cleansing is skin care half done.”
The skin goes through natural metabolism and dead skin cells are required to be exfoliated each day. Dusts and contaminants in the air gather on the skin and clog the pores, hindering the skin from breathing naturally. Skin is also one of the systems for toxin elimination. Each day, some toxins are pushed up to the skin through the million pores on it, relieving the internal organs from some of their toxin elimination burdens. If the skin is not thoroughly cleansed and if the facial cleanser, shower gel, or skincare products we use contain chemicals, not only the toxin in the body cannot be eliminated but the skin is always covered in a film (or residual) of chemical substances and the pores are clogged. In the long run, the skin will gradually lose its glow and suppleness, and the burdens of the internal organs are increased~
In order to eliminate dead cells, dirt, and chemical substances, the skin secretes sebum naturally. That’s why we have oily skin problems even if our skin is very dry.
With good cleansing, most of the dirt on the skin and in the pores can be removed, allowing the skin to breathe naturally, again. If we apply good skincare products now, nutrients in the product can be absorbed by the skin for self-repair and aging of the skin can be slowed down~
Handmade soap that does not contain chemicals does not leave foreign substances on the skin after use. It contains glycerol and can both clean and moisturize the skin at the same time. After using handmade soap for some time, the skin can actually breathe normally, again! At this stage, the skin can maintain a natural and healthy state even if we don’t apply skincare products. If we apply plant-based and chemical-free skincare products which are easily absorbed, the skin can easily absorb nutrients in the product, enhancing self-repair ability~